terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2014

Persian Cats Characteristics

The Persians have heavy skeleton, thick and short legs and big paws. Are well muscled and of medium to large size. The neck is short and thick, broad shoulders and chest. The tail is short and proportionate to the body.

Has great and wide head, large eyes, set well apart, round and expressive head. Small ears with rounded tips and clearly separated. The nose is short of wide nostrils, with a break between the eyes and eyelids. The general expression is sweet.

Persian cats have a sweet and gentle nature and a laid back personality. They are a loving breed and enjoy the company of their caregivers.

Cats are quiet, easy-going and generally get along well with other pets and family members, although it is preferable to avoid nerve or noisy children.

His meows are smooth and discrete, and is therefore great for apartments. Cats are attached to the owner, docile, affectionate, lazy, spending most of the day sleeping on a couch or in another cozy place.

History of Persian cats

The history of Persian cats in the Western world began in the seventeenth century, when Pietro della Valle introduced the first specimens of this breed in Europe.

Unknown whether early history, but it is known that the first cats of this breed came from Persia (now Iran) and Turkey in the seventeenth century. It was the Italian explorer Pietro della Valle (1586 - 1652) who brought copies of Persian cats to Italy, around 1620.

In the nineteenth century examples of this breed exists in Italy were crossed with angora cats breed in England, which gave rise to the modern breed of Persian cats.

At the time, Persian cats have become a popular breed in Europe and went to America at the end of this century. In the weekly supplement of the American magazine Harper's Magazine, January 27, 1872, an illustration of various cat shows the Crystal Palace of London appears, including a spectacle of Persian cats.

In 1950, specimens of Siamese cats with Persian cats were crossed, a new breed, the Himalayan cats having been created. Since 1984, Himalayan cats were considered by the Cat Fanciers' Association - CFA as a variant of Persian cats, despite the objection of the creators of these breeds. 

segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

Bóris the Persian Cat playing with his toy

I love to play with my new toy.... this is really amazing, I feel like super cat.

Boris the Persian Cat


Hello, I'm Boris. I am a Persian cat. In this blog I will try to show what is in real life, a Persian cat. I will try to advise you how to treat a Persian cat, show my adventures in this world. Show that I am a very, very sweet cat.